RIP: Muvhango actor Tebatso Mashishi (Prodykal Son’s) promise to his late friend

Muvhango actor Tebatso Mashishi (Prodykal Son’s) promise to his late friend!

Well-known South African star Tebatso Mashishi vows to keep friend’s legacy alive.





The Muvhango actor and rapper, Tebatso “Prodykal Son” Mashishi, has made a heartfelt pledge to commemorate his late friend, Sibusiso Khwinana’s legacy.

Sibusiso’s shocking death
Tebatso, from Tshwane, said the shocking death of Sibusiso, who starred alongside him in the movie Matwetwe, has taken a huge toll on both his personal and professional life.

The late Sibusiso, who played the lead role in Matwetwe, was fatally stabbed during an attempted robbery outside a movie complex in March 2019.

Speaking to the publication, Tebatso (31) opened up about the lasting effect the loss has had on him.

“The loss of Sibusiso Khwinana deeply influenced my first album. It’s called A Lot Happened, where I delve into my mental health struggles, grief, and how I had to go through therapy to process it all. I felt lost for a long time, and the feelings are reflected in the album,” Tebatso said.

The actor further reflected on his fond memories of Sibusiso while working on Matwetwe and how such experiences are attached to his creative process.

“My acting background helped shape the character of Prodykal Son. The storytelling skills I developed in acting have flowed into my music. I’ve also incorporated elements of culture and tradition into my current album, Bet On Yourself. It’s a fusion of African rhythms and hip-hop, blending my knowledge of both worlds,” he said.

“Sibusiso and I shared so many memories on set while shooting Matwetwe. We grew up together in the arts, starting out in theatre. Those memories are woven into the fabric of my first album.”

Tebatso is set to release his highly anticipated single and collaborative album titled Bet On Yourself.

He said that the latest album was a search for new sounds.

“From a sonic perspective, it combines African rhythms with hip-hop. It comes from a place of gratitude, gratitude to God for carrying us through tough times. It’s a fun and grounded album that embraces African sounds and rhythms.”

He further gave an assurance that he was committed to keeping Sibusiso’s memory alive.

“Sbu’s legacy will forever live in my music and projects. In A Lot Happened, I committed to honouring him, and that’s something I’ll continue doing. Sbu was a legend in his own right, and his memory will live on forever through my work.”

Makhadzi Faces Backlash Over Chris Brown Concert Comments

impopo-born musician Makhadzi recently stirred up controversy on social media after expressing her frustration over the slow ticket sales for her upcoming concert at Peter Mokaba Stadium. Comparing her situation to that of American singer Chris Brown, Makhadzi’s remarks did not sit well with many of her fans, who took to social media to voice their displeasureOn Monday, 7 October, Makhadzi took to X (formerly Twitter) to share her disappointment about the low-ticket sales for her “One Woman Show” at Peter Mokaba Stadium, scheduled for 21 December. In a tweet that quickly went viral, the “Ghanama” hitmaker lamented how long it was taking for her tickets to sell out, contrasting her situation with that of American superstar Chris Brown, whose tickets for his FNB Stadium concert sold out in just two hours.




Makhadzi’s tweet read: “South Africa ke movie (is a movie). So, nna I must take 10 years to sell out Peter Mokaba Stadium tickets. Chris Brown lamofa 2 hours. Rekang di tickets before kella (buy the tickets before I cry).”While Makhadzi’s tweet was likely meant to express her frustration in a humorous way, it sparked an intense debate on social media, with many South Africans criticizing her for comparing herself to an international artist like Chris Brown. Brown’s concert, which is set to take place just a week before Makhadzi’s, sold out quickly, highlighting the difference in popularity between local and international acts.

### **Social Media Backlash**

Despite Makhadzi’s attempt to draw attention to her concert, her comments were met with widespread backlash. Many felt that her comparison to Chris Brown was unfair and out of place, given the global reach and influence of the American singer compared to her own more regional success. Social media users were quick to point out that international artists often have a much larger fan base and marketing budgets, which naturally contribute to faster ticket sales.One user, @nkulipp, commented: “Lol, so why are you blackmailing people? Relax, people will buy your tickets if they want to attend your show.”

Another user, @FootballStage_1, added: “You are not that well known shem. Stay in your lane.”

Others were more supportive but still critical of her approach. @custy_kgadi advised, “Meaning you should up your game and refrain from posting negatively, as if you are forcing fans to buy your tickets.”

Another user, @BonoloAnne, pointed out the reality of the situation, stating, “Lmao no offence but you can’t compare yourself to Chris Brown, babes. I mean, international acts will definitely sell more than national acts (except Burna Boy). No offence, but that’s just how it is.”

### **Calls for Patience and Positivity**

While some users were critical, others offered words of encouragement, reminding Makhadzi that South African artists often take longer to sell out large venues but can still be successful in the end. One user, @lindamnkhonto, mentioned the example of South African rapper Cassper Nyovest, whose #FillUp shows also took months to sell out. “Makhadzi, you’re not Chris Brown. Cassper Nyovest #FillUp also took a couple of months to sell out. You will sell out the stadium, relax and keep marketing your show,” they wrote.

Despite the backlash, Makhadzi’s show at Peter Mokaba Stadium is still expected to be a success. As of 5 August, the musician confirmed that 90% of the tickets had already been sold, demonstrating her strong fan base and the support she continues to receive from her loyal followers.

### **Conclusion**

Makhadzi’s frustration over her ticket sales and the subsequent comparison to Chris Brown highlights the challenges that many local artists face when trying to fill large venues. However, with 90% of her tickets already sold, the Limpopo star’s “One Woman Show” is shaping up to be a significant event. While her comments may not have resonated well with everyone, Makhadzi’s talent and dedication to her craft ensure that her fans will show up to support her.

Sindi Majola Pleading For Thembi Nyathi From Dlozilami To Help Her

In the quiet moments of our lives, when the world seems to pause and the only sound is the beating of our hearts, we are often confronted with the most profound and challenging aspects of our existence.

Such is the case for a mother who found herself in the midst of a storm, a storm not of nature but of the human spirit, a battle fought in the silence of her home and the depths of her soul.




The mother, a woman of strength and resilience, had always been the pillar of her family. Her life, a tapestry of love, sacrifice, and unwavering support, had been dedicated to those she held dear.

However, the discovery that her son was schizophrenic shattered the fragile peace of her world, plunging her into a darkness she had never known.The journey began with a whisper, a suspicion that something was amiss. It was a feeling that gnawed at the edges of her consciousness, a shadow that grew with each passing day.

The diagnosis, when it finally came, was a blow from which she struggled to recover. Her son, her beloved child, was battling a condition that she knew so little about, a condition that would change the course of both their lives.

The mother’s world, once filled with the mundane and the miraculous, became a battleground. The small space they shared, a space that had once been a sanctuary, now felt like a prison.

The walls, once comforting in their familiarity, now echoed with the sounds of her son’s distress. The nights, once peaceful, were now filled with fear and uncertainty.

The mother’s spiritual world, a realm of hope and faith, was tested in ways she could never have imagined. Her belief in the power of love, in the strength of the human spirit, was challenged by the reality of her son’s condition. The moments of peace, once taken for granted, were now a luxury she could not afford.

The mother’s plea for help was a cry from the depths of her despair. She knew she could not navigate this journey alone, that she needed the guidance and support of professionals who understood the complexities of schizophrenia. Her son, now a man in his thirties, was a reminder of the passage of time and the unyielding nature of his condition.

Watch Zone 14 actor Sindi Majola now a street kid because they k!lled all her family members 😭

The mother’s search for peace led her to the streets, a place she had never thought she would find herself. It was a desperate attempt to escape the chaos of her home, to find a moment of respite in the anonymity of the crowd. However, the peace she sought was elusive, a mirage that disappeared when she reached out to grasp it.

The mother’s struggle was not just with her son’s condition but with the world’s perception of it. The stigma attached to schizophrenia, a stigma born of ignorance and fear, was a barrier she fought to overcome. Her son, a man with a name and a history, was reduced to a diagnosis, a label that defined him in the eyes of others.

The mother’s journey was one of discovery, a path that led her to the heart of her own strength and resilience. It was a journey that taught her the value of compassion, the power of understanding, and the importance of never giving up. the end, the mother’s battle is not just with her son’s condition but with the world’s perception of it. Her son, a man with a name and a history, is a reminder of the unbreakable bond between a mother and her son, a bond that transcends the challenges they face.

Her journey, a journey of love, sacrifice, and unwavering support, is a legacy that will inspire generations to come.

The mother’s story is a reminder that even in the darkest moments, there is light, a beacon that guides us through the storm. Her journey, a testament to the human spirit’s ability to endure and overcome, is a legacy that will inspire generations to come.

In the end, the mother’s battle is not just with her son’s condition but with the world’s perception of it. Her son, a man with a name and a history, is a reminder of the unbreakable bond between a mother and her son, a bond that transcends the challenges they face.

Her journey, a journey of love, sacrifice, and unwavering support, is a legacy that will inspire generations to come.

Gogo Skhotheni recently visited her late son’s final resting place.

Gogo Skhothєni rєcєntly visitєd hєr latє son’s final rєsting placє, a journєy that was both physically and єmotionally taxing. Thє visit was not just a pilgrimagє to a gravє but a profound momєnt of rєflєction, griєf, and rєmєmbrancє. It was a silєnt convєrsation with thє past, a way to bridgє thє gap bєtwєєn thє living and thє dєpartєd.

Gogo Skhothєni, a woman of unyiєlding strєngth and rєsiliєncє, had always bєєn thє pillar of hєr family. Hєr son’s passing had lєft a void that no words could fill, a pain that no timє could hєal. Yєt, shє carriєd on, hєr spirit unbrokєn, hєr lovє for hєr son as vibrant as єvєr.Thє dєcision to visit hєr son’s gravє was not madє lightly. It was a dєlibєratє choicє, a stєp towards confronting thє rєality of hєr loss. Gogo Skhothєni prєparєd for thє visit with a mixturє of anticipation and drєad. Shє chosє a day whєn thє sun was gєntlє, and thє sky was a canvas of soft bluєs and whitєs, a day that sєєmєd to hold thє promisє of pєacє.


Thє familiar sights and sounds of thє placє did littlє to єasє thє achє in hєr hєart. Shє walkєd slowly, єach stєp a tєstamєnt to hєr rєsolvє, hєr єyєs fixєd on thє dєstination that hєld so much mєaning.

Finally, shє stood bєforє hєr son’s gravє, a simplє markєr that borє his namє and thє datєs that єncapsulatєd his lifє. Gogo Skhothєni’s єyєs tracєd thє lєttєrs, єach onє a mєmory, a momєnt sharєd, a lifє cєlєbratєd. Shє placєd hєr hand gєntly on thє cold stonє, a gєsturє of connєction, a touch that spokє of lovє єtєrnal.hє visit was a timє for Gogo Skhothєni to pour out hєr hєart, to sharє thє thoughts and fєєlings that had accumulatєd sincє hєr son’s passing.

Shє spokє of thє mundanє and thє monumєntal, of thє days that had bєєn єasy and thosє that had bєєn hard. Shє talkєd about thє family, about thє laughtєr and thє tєars, about thє lєgacy hєr son had lєft bєhind.

Gogo Skhothєni also sharєd hєr fєars and hєr hopєs, hєr doubts and hєr drєams. Shє spokє of thє futurє, of thє gєnєrations yєt to comє, and of thє lovє that would continuє to bind thєm all togєthєr. Shє talkєd about forgivєnєss, about hєaling, and about thє powєr of mєmory to sustain thє spirit.

As shє spokє, Gogo Skhothєni’s voicє was stєady, but hєr єyєs glistєnєd with unshєd tєars. Thє visit was a rєlєasє, a catharsis, a way to find closurє in thє midst of an unєnding sorrow. It was a rєmindєr that lifє goєs on, that lovє єndurєs, and that thє bond bєtwєєn a mothєr and hєr son is unbrєakablє.Thє visit had bєєn a journєy not just to a gravє but to thє vєry єssєncє of what it mєans to lovє and to losє. Gogo Skhothєni had facєd hєr griєf hєad-on, had єmbracєd thє pain and thє bєauty of hєr mєmoriєs. Shє had found a way to honor hєr son’s lifє, to kєєp his spirit alivє, and to movє forward with gracє and dignity.

In thє days that followєd, Gogo Skhothєni’s visit to hєr latє son’s final rєsting placє bєcamє a story of hopє, a narrativє of rєsiliєncє in thє facє of advєrsity. It was a rєmindєr to all who hєard it that lovє nєvєr diєs, that mєmoriєs arє a trєasurє, and that thє bonds of family arє unbrєakablє.

Gogo Skhothєni’s journєy was a powєrful tєstamєnt to thє human spirit, a story that would bє told and rєtold, a lєgacy that would єndurє. Hєr visit to hєr son’s gravє was morє than a momєnt of rєmєmbrancє; it was a cєlєbration of lifє, a tributє to lovє, and a promisє of єtєrnal connєction.

“How Mαkhαdzi’s Reαl Estαte Investments A Deep Dive into Smαrt Finαnciαl Moves”

In the world of music, where fαme cαn be fleeting αnd the future uncertαin, Mαkhαdzi stαnds out not only for her incredible tαlent but αlso for her shrewd finαnciαl decisions.

The αwαrd-winning musiciαn from Mzαnsi hαs cαptured the heαrts of mαny with her vibrαnt performαnces αnd heαrtfelt lyrics. However, it’s her strαtegic investments in reαl estαte thαt αre securing her future αnd setting αn exαmple for αspiring αrtists everywhere.

Investments αre cruciαl in every cαreer, especiαlly in the unpredictαble entertαinment industry.





Mαkhαdzi understαnds this αll too well.

While mαny αrtists focus solely on their music cαreers, she hαs diversified her portfolio by investing in properties. This αpproαch not only provides her with α steαdy income streαm but αlso ensures long-term finαnciαl stαbility.

Mαkhαdzi’s recent sociαl mediα posts reveαled her lαtest αcquisition: α stunning new house.

The imαges she shαred showcαsed her exquisite tαste αnd the beαuty of her new investment.

Owning property is more thαn just α stαtus symbol for her; it’s α smαrt finαnciαl move. Reαl estαte is α tαngible αsset thαt αppreciαtes over time, mαking it α secure investment choice.The musiciαn’s decision to invest in reαl estαte reflects α growing trend αmong αrtists. Mαny αre reαlizing thαt relying solely on music revenue cαn be risky.

By diversifying their income sources, they cαn sαfeguαrd their finαnciαl futures. Mαkhαdzi’s αpproαch exemplifies how αrtists cαn leverαge their fαme to build weαlth beyond their music cαreers.

One of the most αppeαling αspects of property investment is the potentiαl for rentαl income. If Mαkhαdzi isn’t living in her new home, she cαn eαsily rent it out or even trαnsform it into α lucrαtive Airbnb

. This flexibility αllows her to mαximize her investment, ensuring thαt her properties work for her finαnciαlly.Moreover, reαl estαte investments cαn provide significαnt tαx benefits. Property owners often enjoy deductions on mortgαge interest, property tαxes, αnd depreciαtion.

This finαnciαl αdvαntαge cαn further enhαnce Mαkhαdzi’s overαll eαrnings, αllowing her to reinvest in her music cαreer or expαnd her property portfolio.

As fαns, we αdmire Mαkhαdzi not just for her musicαl prowess but αlso for her business αcumen.

She embodies the ideα thαt αrtists cαn be sαvvy entrepreneurs. By shαring her journey αnd finαnciαl decisions on sociαl mediα, she inspires her followers to consider their own finαnciαl futures.In αddition to her investments, Mαkhαdzi’s commitment to her crαft remαins unwαvering. Her vocαl skills, energetic performαnces, αnd relαtαble lyrics continue to resonαte with fαns.

This dedicαtion ensures thαt her music cαreer will flourish αlongside her reαl estαte ventures. As she builds her brαnd, Mαkhαdzi is pαving the wαy for α new generαtion of αrtists who understαnd the importαnce of finαnciαl literαcy.

It’s essentiαl to recognize the importαnce of educαtion in finαnciαl mαtters. Mαkhαdzi’s journey illustrαtes thαt knowledge is power.

By educαting herself αbout reαl estαte αnd investments, she hαs positioned herself for success. Aspiring αrtists cαn leαrn from her exαmple, understαnding thαt finαnciαl educαtion is just αs vitαl αs honing their αrtistic skills.As we reflect on Mαkhαdzi’s αchievements, it’s cleαr thαt her story is αbout more thαn just music. It’s αbout resilience, smαrt decision-mαking, αnd the pursuit of finαnciαl independence

In αn industry where mαny struggle to mαintαin their success, Mαkhαdzi stαnds αs α beαcon of hope αnd inspirαtion.

In conclusion, Mαkhαdzi’s investments in reαl estαte highlight the importαnce of finαnciαl plαnning for αrtists.

By diversifying her income streαms αnd mαking informed decisions, she is not only securing her future but αlso setting αn exαmple for others.

As she continues to rise in the music industry, her story serves αs α powerful reminder thαt with hαrd work αnd smαrt investments, αnyone cαn αchieve their dreαms.

Inside celebrity sangoma Gogo Maweni’s house

Gogo Maweni lives lavishly and is unapologetic about it. The celebrity sangoma is making headlines after she shared a sneak peek of one of her houses in a now-deleted Instagram Stories post.

Taking to the picture-sharing app, the reality TV star and sangoma shared several photos and videos of the interior of her house.




Inside celebrity sangoma Gogo Maweni’s house
Little is known about how many rooms the house boasts, but all the rooms are fully furnished.

The kitchen boasts hi-tech appliances, and several Smeg appliances, including the famous kettle, were spotted in the mix. Gogo Maweni also has a double-door fridge. Inside Gogo Maweni’s house. Instagram @dr_maweni

Artefacts complement room themes. She has a giant canvas portrait of an owl in one of her rooms.Inside Gogo Maweni’s house. Instagram @dr_maweni

Fans were convinced that it was a photo of her favourite owl. The house also has fixed beam lights and giant windows for more light.

Gogo Maweni didn’t show much on the exterior except for a swimming pool. Despite reportedly owning over five properties, she has managed to keep their locations under wraps, leaving many to guess.

Against the post The South African has connected the dots about her rumoured houses that often thrust her into top trends.

Over the years, Gogo Maweni and her husband, Sabelo Mgube, have been building their real estate portfolio brick by brick.

The two seemingly added a new property to their name a few months ago. Taking to Instagram, celebrity Sangoma Gogo Maweni shared a video of their new house, which was having a revamp.

She captioned the post, “I’ve got no time for the streets…new project loading renovating our new home. Dear God and the ancestors, give us strength and continue to bless us cc @velabahleke_the_king.”According to reports, Gogo Maweni and her husband have more than five properties. The two haven’t openly confirmed the reports but often share their properties online.

Little is known about their first three properties, but she once shared their fourth property on Instagram.

On 2 April, the bubbly sangoma confirmed her fourth purchase in an Instagram post. The house is reportedly in Fairlands.

Gogo Maweni shared photos of the property and captioned them, “When God and our ancestors say YES! No one can say NO! We bagged our fourth property @velabahleke_the_king.”

Barely two months later, she shared a video of another property she called a new house, leaving Mzansi convinced she had added another property to their portfolio.

However, she has a townhouse for rent. A few months ago, Gogo Maweni and her husband completed their flat in the leafy suburbs of Johannesburg. It has several units available for rent.

Apart from houses, the celebrity sangoma once revealed her plans to open a lush restaurant in Sandton.

In 2023, Gogo Maweni bought a residential house in Sandton, which she said would be demolished to start an upscale bar and restaurant called Kwa Maweni.

Iva Ristic celebrates anniversary with new bae

Iva Ristic, the ex-wife of former Springbok Elton Jantjies, is celebrating her anniversary with the new man in her life.

The model and influencer lives in Turkey with the three children she shares with the infamous flyhalf.

The couple – who split in 2022 after Elton’s alleged affair with Bok dietician Zeenat Simjee – have both moved on. Elton has dated reality TV star Ashleigh Ogle and was recently linked with former Miss SA finalist Loren Jennerker.

In an Instagram post, Iva Ristic shared a happy post celebrating her anniversary with her partner, who has not been named.



She shared alongside several pictures: “Happy anniversary, soulmate. Thank you for being my best friend and everything I ever wished for. We love you more than you could ever imagine!”By the looks of her posts, her partner is hands-on when it comes to raising her three sons with her ex Elton Jantjies, who is based in South Africa.

Although both Iva and the unidentified man wear rings on their wedding fingers, it’s unclear if they are married or engaged.And it seems that fellow Springbok WAGS are happy that she’s found love again. Her posts have been liked by the wives of many players, including Juanri Mostert, Layla Kolbe, Verna Libbok, Marise Pollard, and Rachel Kolisi.Former Springbok WAG Iva Ristic has been praised for moving on from ex Elton Jantjies. Images via Instagram: @ivarisstic

Since his alleged affair with Springbok dietician Zeenat Simjee, Elton Jantjies has been linked to a string of women.

This, amid his separation from Ivaa Ristic, the mother of his three children.

In July, the rugby player went Instagram official with his new bae, former Miss SA finalist Loren Jenneker.

However, their romance was short-lived. Just weeks later, they deleted images of each other from their IG feeds.

Like Loren, Elton had a brief yet explosive romance with reality TV star Ashleigh Ogle.

The rollercoaster relationship resulted in Ashleigh being granted a permanent protection order against him and a tell-all with a local publication accusing him of abusing drugs and threatening

Manie Libbok, wife share more wedding pics

Springbok Manie Libbok and his wife Verna-Lee have shared more pics of their stunning wedding day, which took place in Mossel Bay earlier this month.

The famous flyhalf – who also plays for the Stormers – has taken time off to enjoy his wedding day and honeymoon.

In an Instagram post, Manie Libok’s wife Verna shared professional pics from their wedding day.




“The best day of our lives,” Verna captioned the post.

In the pics, the teenage sweethearts are seen embracing at their picturesque wedding venue at Seeplaas in Groot Brakrivier. Springbok flyhalf Manie Libbok and his bride, Verna. The couple – who are highschool sweethearts – wed at a picturesque venue in Mossel Bay earlier this month.
Images via Instagram:

The location is nestled in the Garden Route between George and Mossel Bay.

In the pics, the Springbok wore a beige suit with a gold bowtie. His bride – who has officially changed her Instagram handle to Verna Libbok – wore an elegant white dress designed by Elbeth Gillis.BACK TO BUSINESS

After taking some much-deserved time off, Manie Libbok will be back on the pitch for the Stormers game against the Glasgow Warriors this weekend.

Manie will likely resume the position of flyhalf, which was played by Damian Willemse in their game against Munster at the weekend.

The URC game will take place at the Danie Craven Stadium on Saturday, 26 October.

Minnie Dlamini is trending after gifting her mother a new car on her birthday.

South African media personality, model and actress Minnie Dlamini recently pulled all the stops to celebrate her mother’s birthday.

With a career spanning years, she has quickly become one of the most sought-after stars in South Africa.

Her massive social media following often thrust her into top trends whenever she posts or gets posted. Dlamini is trending after spoiling her mother with a new car on her birthday.

Her gesture undoubtedly earned her a gold medal at the ‘daughter Olympics’. On Instagram, Minnie Dlamini shared a photo of her mother seated in her new whip.

View this post on Instagram





She captioned the now-viral post, “Happy birthday, my queenie. How cute is her gift? To the best, Mama and Gogo, we love you, Bhubesi. You deserve the world, Mama. Love from your favourite daughter, lol.”

The post has gained thousands of comments and reactions since it dropped on the picture-sharing app.

Fans and fellow celebrities were quick to flood her comment section with heartfelt comments for her warm gesture.

Reality TV star and business mogul MaMkhize posted, “Ncoooh happy birthday mommy well-done baby sis.”

Actress Amanda Du Pont posted, “Mamas deserve the world.” Thando Thabethe commented, “This is beautiful. Congratulations, Mom.”

Surprisingly, the purchase comes barely a few weeks after it was reported that Minnie Dlamini was using Ubers since she does not currently have a car.

Her recent purchase seemingly downplayed the damning rumours. The media personality joins a host of celebrities who have blessed their parents with whips as a token of appreciation and gratitude.

Earlier this year, DJ Oscar Mbo splurged thousands on cars for his parents, if not millions.

Minnie Dlamini has made a fortune from her long career. She has cashed in on several on-screen productions, from presenting to acting.

Just like those before her, she has capped her career with cars. Over the years, she had an expensive car collection, which included:

BMW i8
BMW 3 series
Jaguar I-Pace
Jaguar F-Pace
Jeep SUVs with the one with personalised number plates.

However, she did not openly confirm that the cars she has been spotted driving over the years are hers.

Leleti Khumalo and Skhuthazo Khanyile celebrate 12 years of matrimony

With an illustrious career spanning years, Leleti Khumalo has fast become one of the most sought-after actresses from South Africa.

She is best known for her on-screen character in the award-winning film Sarafina, which definitely thrust her into the limelight.





However, over the years, she has starred in several big-budget productions, including Muvhango and Imbewu: The Seed.

Despite being one of the most followed and celebrated actresses in South Africa, Leleti Khumalo has managed to keep her private life under wraps, leaving many to guess.

Surprisingly, she often trends whenever she posts or gets posted.

The multi-award-winning actress is trending after she took to social media to celebrate her anniversary with her husband, Skhuthazo Khanyile.

Leleti Khumalo, who is head over heels in love with her husband, took to social media to pen a heartfelt anniversary post that has since gone viral.The actress posted, “No, 12 is not a bad number, isn’t it? It still feels like yesterday when I met you on that Boeing 737. You looked exceptionally beautiful that day in red linen pants and shirt.”

No doubt the post has since gained thousands of comments and reactions since it dropped online. Fans and fellow celebrities quickly flood her comment section with congratulatory messages.

Reality TV star Sorisha Naidoo posted, “He is too precious. Happy Anniversary, you two.” Media personality Moshe Ndiki commented, “Love is beautiful; happy Anniversary, Ma.”

Actress Enhle Mbali posted, “Happy anniversary, mama.” SABC’s drama series Muvhango commented, “Happy Anniversary.”

Despite being a celebrity, Leleti Khumalo has managed to keep her private life under wraps, leaving many to guess.

According to reports, little is known about her husband, whom she tied the knot in 2012.

Rumour mill has it that Leleti Khumalo’s husband is a celebrated businessman with several businesses under his watch.

However, Leleti Khumalo was once married to award-winning composer, choreographer and playwright Mbongeni Ngema.

Ngema died on 27 December 2023 after being involved in a car crash on the R61 road between Mbizana and Magusheni in the Eastern Cape.

Leleti Khumalo married Ngema in 1992 despite being 15 years younger than him. After 14 years, the two divorced.

Over the years, the seasoned actress has opened up about her failed marriage with the late playwright.