Day of Reconcilation: Will Rachel and Siya Kolisi reunite?
South Africans commemorate the Day of Reconciliation on 16 December, and are hoping that their favs, Rachel and Siya Kolisi take it to heart.
Monday, 16 November, marks one of the last public holidays left on the South African calendars. And for what it’s worth, many rugby fans are hoping their favourite couple, Rachel and Siya Kolisi, will reunite.

In October, the Springboks first couple called it quits on eight years of marriage.
While fans are holding on to hope for a second chance for Rachel and Siya Kolisi.
Since accounting for her marriage split in October, Rachel has been spotted wearing a “revenge dress,” removing “wife” from her Instagram biograph,y and seemingly snubbing Siya’s Bok games.
She’s also debuted a hot mommy makeover, walked the red carpet, and put in the hours in her local gym. Rachel has also seemingly snubbed Siya on a family vacation to Australia.
Siya, on the other hand, has continued to live in their family home in Ballito, KwaZulu-Natal. He’s also kept the label “husband” in his Instagram bio and has several Instagram Stories dedicated to his wife.
Will the couple put their differences aside and reconcile this holiday season?
Will Rachel and Siya Kolisi reconcile?
Images via Facebook: Rachel Kolisi/Siya Kolisi
According to government, the 16th of December is a day of great significance in South Africa because of two historical events that took place on that date.
The first was known as the Day of the Vow, when the Voortrekkers pledged before God to build a church should they win the Battle of Blood River on 16 December 1838. The second was on 16 December, when Umkhonto we Sizwe, the military wing of the African National Congress (ANC), was formed.