South African actress Minnie Dlamini recently took to social media to celebrate her son, Netha, who achieved a significant milestone. The proud mother shared that her little boy had earned his first swimming award, a moment that filled her with pride. Minnie’s post showed her beaming with joy as she expressed her excitement for Netha’s growing skills in the water.
Despite ongoing rumors about her personal life, including her relationship with renowned plastic surgeon Dr. Brian Monaisa following her divorce from Quinton Jones, Minnie focused on her son’s accomplishment. She shared a heartfelt message on Instagram, revealing her joy and admiration for Netha’s progress in swimming.
The TV personality posted a video and photos of Netha’s medal ceremony, writing, “My baby can swim 🥹 and he got his first medal yesterday 😭. To more swimming adventures with my boy 💎.” Her followers were quick to flood the comments, praising the adorable mother–son duo for their bond and acknowledging how much Netha has grown.
Fans and fellow celebrities alike couldn’t help but admire how Minnie continues to support her son’s development and celebrate his milestones. The sweet moment served as a reminder of the joy that family brings, especially during times when public attention focuses on other aspects of her life.
Through all the speculation, Minnie remains focused on what matters most to her—her son and his achievements. Her heartfelt post highlighted not only her pride in Netha but also her commitment to being a loving and supportive mother.