Pearl Thusi is facing widespread criticism online after a mother accused her of failing to follow through on a promise to pay her children’s outstanding school fees. The actress had initially pledged to help the desperate mother in 2024, even involving DJ Zinhle in the effort. However, months later, the woman claims Pearl “ghosted” her and did not send the promised funds.
The mother revealed that Pearl initially seemed committed, assuring her that the fees would be taken care of, but eventually went silent. According to the woman, Pearl even pretended to have transferred the money, only to disappear without a trace. This has left the mother feeling abandoned, and many online are outraged by what they see as a broken promise to someone in need.
The incident has sparked a heated debate on social media, with many calling out Pearl for “selling a dream” to the struggling mother. Critics have questioned her integrity and labeled her behavior as “nasty,” especially given the emotional toll it took on the mother, who was left with unfulfilled hopes for her children’s education.In a raw and emotional post, Siviwe_Matroos, a single mother, shared her own heartbreaking realization: “The sooner you realize these are your kids, the less the heartbreak when help doesn’t come.” Her words resonated with many, reinforcing the painful truth that, often, single mothers have to rely on themselves. The situation has added fuel to the growing backlash against Pearl Thusi’s unkept pledge.