Shoki Mmola discusses her abu;sive marriage

Former Skeem Saam actress Shoki Mmola recently shared details of her abu sive to Sello Sebotsana on King David Studio Podcast.

The legendary actress Shoki Mmola, who currently stars in Scandal! says red flags in her marriage existed before the





Mmola also reveals that she knew that she didn’t want kids out of wedlock, and whoever she would be involved with, she would love them wholeheartedly.

“The lack of a biological family was one of the things that compromised me in that situation,” she said.

“I cannot say I was there for love; I was there for structure. I never had a proper family structure. So, I wanted that for my kids and future.”

Mmola adds that she had to go to therapy with her nanny and her children and that she allows her children to bring up old wounds.

She also admits that her children saw everything and did not need any explanations from her.

“I stayed long for me but not for the bigger picture. There is nothing that you can explain to the girls that they do not know; they remember stuff I do not even recall.

“It breaks my heart, but at least they have an understanding.”

She claims that her nanny, who saw a lot, was the one who saved her life the night she escaped.

The SABC reported in 2018 that the actress Shoki Mmola opened a domestic violence case against Sello Sebotsana.

The channel adds that the pair’s 10-year-old daughter also testified in a special court with a facilitator and video live-streaming.

It is believed their child was deemed to be too scared of her father to testify live.