Zimbabwe Gave Us This Amazing Phenomenal Actor Luthuli Dlamini But Things Are Said To Not Be Going Well For Him 💔
Zimoja Reported : He’s had a tough year. Like many actors who have struggled to bag gigs, seasoned former Scandal actor Luthuli Dlamini is said to be going through a tough time financially and living in an abandoned house in Randburg used by drug addicts.
The house that he and others have occupied is situated in Randburg CBD near the local taxi rank. According to neighbours, Luthuli has been living in the house along with some strangers in the alleged drug den house. “He has been staying there for some time; we all know him; all the neighbours recognise him, but no one judges his situation; it can happen to anyone,’ the lady said. “He lives there with a group of guys, and they respect him?”it’s life.’ The neighbour said he has been staying there for just under a year, after struggling to find acting work. ‘He has not been working and was forced to live there. He needs help, but maybe he is too ashamed to ask for help.’

Earlier this year, Luthuli lost his child. “He has not been okay ever since,’ the neighbour said. “He does not want to talk about it but teared up the one time he said something, and he never discussed it again,’ Luthuli confirmed the passing of his child to ZiMoja but said it was too much of a sensitive matter. “It’s a child. Please, I don’t want to speak about it.’
Last year, ZiMoja reported that TV producer Mercier Bangala owed Luthuli R150,000 for a drama series that was shot in September 2022 called Empty Love. Failing to pay the salary led to Luthuli occupying Mercier’s home forcefully after failing to pay his rent. The show never made it to the screens following the incident. Attempts to get a comment from Luthuli proved fruitless as his phone went straight to voicemail.